About Us


Gaza Track: A joint action track launched by Social Development Forum in cooperation with Coalition for Accountability and Integrity – AMAN, as an initiative to increase access to information related to the humanitarian situation in the Gaza Strip, and to establish a national effort to support and monitor humanitarian efforts and assist people in the Strip in accordance with emergency work standards. Ensuring the transparency of interventions and their suitability to people’s needs.

We work focused on:

  • Help provide resources and information to organizations, activists and stakeholders interested in providing updates and analysis of the current situation in Gaza.
  • Documenting the flow and distribution of humanitarian aid to the Gaza Strip to facilitate monitoring and follow-up efforts.
  • We strive to convey the suffering of reality and make the voice of people, organizations and workers in the humanitarian field heard.
  • Cooperating with a group of partners as a working team to make this network a comprehensive and easy-to-access platform for various types of information, reports and updates about the reality in the Gaza Strip.
  • Update information periodically according to reliable official and international references.


Everyone is invited to join the Gaza track!

We are an open initiative designed to improve the lives of people everywhere in Palestine.


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